Father’s Day was the perfect day to enjoy both a car show and an 1867 base ball game. It was sunny and mid-80’s in Greenfield Village, which had it’s biggest crowds since before COVID hit, although still limited to well under pre-COVID admissions.
The vehicle count at the Motor Muster seemed slightly smaller than in the past, probably to allow more spacing and keep the crowd numbers within the restriction, but as always the quality and variety of vehicles was a treat, including three of JAGM member Lee Jacobsen’s cars. Most unexpected for me was finding this Jaguar in the vintage bicycle display!
The base ball match was spirited and high-scoring, with the visiting Early Risers club (from Historic Fort Wayne in Detroit) edging my home club, the Lah-de-Dahs by a final score of 23-17 (in extra innings). The game featured some excellent bare handed catches, but most notably a number of long outfield blasts for extra bases (none by me!). As a public service, I should point out that the banners the Village is using this summer to advertise the base ball matches feature yours truly; a skinny, long-in-the-tooth, power-challenged infielder. Clearly the pinnacle of my sports career! Check it out if you visit Greenfield Village this summer.
Gary Hillebrand
Click on the slideshow of pictures below.