Jaguar Affiliates Group of Michigan
An affiliate of Jaguars Clubs of North America
Join JAGM in Petoskey for our 4th Bay Harbor Vintage Car and Boat Festival event.
JAGM has a block of 25 rooms at the Apple Tree Inn at the discounted rate of $139 for Thursday night and $244 for Friday and Saturday nights. The block will expire on May 20th, so call and reserve your room soon. To reserve call 855-209-4282 and tell them that you are part of the Jaguar Club.
Bay Harbor events
You must register with Bay Harbor using the following link.
JAGM events
You must register with JAGM here on our event page.
Organizers: Dom Federico; Gary Cunningham; Phil Crutchfield; Joy and James Holmes.
JAGM, a non-profit organization established in 1967, brings together people with a passion for Jaguar cars.
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Jaguar Clubs of North America
Coventry Foundation